Selasa, 01 Mei 2018

First experience of midwifery practice

Klinik Pratama Mawung, Klaten.
23 April 2018.

My name is dewi nurinda, I am student of  D3 midwifery second semester at university respati yogyakarta. here I will share my experience during five days practice at midwife's house. on the 23 April 2018 is the first day of practice. I can klaten precisely in the clinic pratama Hj. Praise is sustainable, Am keb. after I got to the midwife I was warmly welcomed by his assistant. but on the first day I have not gotten to keep the clinic. after the second day I just got a schedule to keep the clinic. on the second day I get a lot of pediatric patients, I also get the task of writing the identity of the child and prepare the medicine with his assistant. until the next few days I get a lot of experience like checking haml mom, and I got chance to interact directly with pregnant mother to do leopold examination. initially afraid to do so because not yet accustomed but I was guided by the midwife. after that I get patients who want to inject KB. there I saw how to give the drug through the correct injection, then experience to do tension in pregnant women where I must really listen to the pulse sound so I am not wrong in determining the blood pressure. and I also learned how to write a midwifery report. where I learned from my sister level there. then after the report was made a lot of revisions by the midwife so it must be rewritten again to neatly. this makes me a little stressful because I have to repeatedly write and replace paper but this also can be a learning for me so that for the future I can be more thorough in writing reports midwifery care. again this is my first practice experience with a midwife and meet with the patient directly. so many stories of experience from me, thank you.

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